10 reasons why plant medicines are powerful tools for personal development

By Daniel Hannah

Plant medicines have been used all over the world for thousands of years due to their profound effects on consciousness. These traditions have been around for a long time, yet modern society is just starting to recognize their potential for healing and growth.

Something that is often overlooked however, is the personal development benefits of plant medicines.

Here I want to touch on how these medicines can be a powerful force to help you become the best version of yourself, and take your journey of personal development to the next level.

Here are 10 reasons why plant medicines are powerful tools for personal development, and how they can help you expand into the best person that you can be.


Plant medicines help you let go of the past

Something that many plant medicine enthusiasts talk about is their ability to let go of the past after taking these medicines.

Whether this means letting go of an old relationship, a person who has passed away, or something traumatic that happened to you, plant medicines help you find peace with your past, and let go of what happened to you.


Plant medicines help you become more open minded

During the plant medicine experience, you tend to experience many thoughts, ideas, and perspectives that you may have never considered before.

These alternative perspectives allow you to get outside of your ego and think differently about the world. This is beneficial as plant medicines can help you rid yourself of biases, and understand concepts that you may have never thought about.

Instead of seeing a single angle of any given situation, you’re granted a window into all avenues of perception. Understanding all perspectives is a much more rational way to live.


Plant medicines help you confront your dysfunction

Plant medicines help you discover aspects of yourself that no longer serve you. They shine a light on the root cause of your dysfunction, whether it’s regarding your social relationships, behavior, attitudes, or conduct with the world.

Maybe they will illuminate why you’re so shy, easily triggered, or constantly angry at the world. Perhaps they will show you why you don’t love yourself, and pave a path to cultivate it.

By being aware of these dysfunctions, it becomes much easier to transmute them into characteristics which actually benefit your life.


Plant medicines help you change your deeply rooted patterns

We tend to get caught in painful patterns that we have adopted since we were young.

This conditioning is caused by your parents and peers, your culture, religion, and the society you were raised in. These patterns become so deeply lodged into your programming, that you are led to believe there’s no other option.

But there is.

Plant medicines help you recognize destructive patterns in yourself, as they force you to have a long hard look at why you are the way you are.


Plant medicines help change your perspective of life

Many people feel a stronger connection to their spiritual body, their feelings, and the Earth itself when taking these medicines.

Especially when thrown into the deeper experiences that plant medicines can induce, it’s difficult NOT to have some major shifts in perception.

These shifts can help you view your reality in a much healthier light. One which instils optimism, gratitude, and other high vibrational outlets which allow you to see the beauty in life.


Plant medicines push you to become a better person

You are likely to broaden your understanding of fundamental truths, and these truths put you on a better trajectory towards health and happiness.

These truths might be the recognition that wrongdoing is caused by wounds, that healing leads to happiness, or that being at service to humanity is the greatest way to achieve inner fulfilment.

By learning these fundamental truths, plant medicines help you cultivate better ways of living.


Plant medicines challenge your belief systems

Plant medicines dissolve outdated belief systems that no longer serve you, and help you construct healthier ones.

With the help of plant medicines, ignorance becomes difficult to hold onto because they make you question things. They help you see alternate perspectives and cultivate new understandings which help you achieve a higher quality of life.


Plant medicines are cleansing

Plant medicines are well known for their healing abilities, and this is because they are cleansing.

The cleansing happens because you are forced to confront the darker – hidden aspects of yourself which are rotting away in the psyche.

By bringing your awareness to that darkness, you can take corrective action and actually heal those traumas.

Of course, by healing, cleansing, and discarding the stagnant energy, you’re bound to feel much lighter.


Plant medicines help you surrender to the unknown

Learning to surrender is such a pivotal skill as resistance is a primary root of suffering.

When you’re thrown into the unknown, you learn quickly not to resist, because resisting the experience can make it much more painful.

So you learn to flow, accept, and learn from what the medicines are trying to teach you.

When you apply the same mentality into your life, it’s much easier to accept of your life condition and allow your life experience to take you to the next chapter.


Plant medicines help you become comfortable with your mortality

Being comfortable with your mortality is a huge relief. That’s because fear is rooted into our sense of mortality. It’s a big reason why you take your life so seriously, and drum up trivial matters to be life or death – because to your ego, they are.

These experiences help you gain new perspectives about death, and help you find peace with your short time on this planet.

Instead of being a questionable horror, death becomes a beautiful mystery. This opens up so many doorways, and provides a sense of freedom that can’t be attained while latching onto the permanency of life.



Plant medicines have a huge potential to turn your life around and help you expand into the person you want to become.

If you’re looking to not just heal, but also evolve yourself both personally and spiritually, you might just get the call to work with these sacred medicines.

Embark on this journey with an open mind and allow these medicines to aid your personal development journey.


About the author

Daniel is a life coach and writer from Melbourne, Australia. He has a deep interest in personal development and healing, especially via ancestral traditions and modalities. You can find his work at symbosity.com.