Best Tool EVER For Ayahuasca Integration – Repeating Alarm

This is from our Ayahuasca Integration handbook we give you at the end of the retreat. Hope this helps! Check it out!

By Christine Breese, founder of Gaia Sagrada, University of Metaphysical Sciences, Free Retreats 4 All, and Wisdom of the Heart

ayahuasca integrationThe real work comes when you get home and have to apply everything you learned from the medicine. Dang, right? If only it was easier! When you get home, now you have to EARN what you got from the medicine. What happens is the medicine can take you to heights that you never experienced before, or at least gave you relief, and then comes the work that you have to do which the medicine is encouraging you to do.

What you are dealing with is programming, really, not the past. The work after a retreat is more about reprogramming yourself to react to things differently, think differently, feel differently, and do things differently. That all has to do with programming. Programming is your real enemy, not the past.

The past is where you got the programming but that past is not what you are healing. That is over now, a dream (nightmare) you just need to end, and dream a new dream now. You’re allowed. You are letting that go but what you are really healing is the resulting crappy programming. You got that from the past when you had to create coping mechanisms because you didn’t have the tools for handling what was happening to you when you were younger.

We end up with programming as coping mechanisms for the things we couldn’t handle anytime in life if we didn’t have support for it. That’s what the shamanic medicines like Ayahuasca or San Pedro are working on. It gives us a leg up with the programming because we can see it really clearly all of a sudden. The medicine is the spiritual eye opener.

Ayahuasca Integration – Use The Repeating Alarm For Reprogramming!

One of the best tools ever for beating and changing the programming of the subconscious mind is the repeating alarm. You can download it from your app store on your smart phone for free. If you want to get one without ads, just pay $5 or $10 a year for it but it’s free if you want to just try this out first and see how it works for you.

Set it to go off every hour (less than that gets too annoying and you stop paying attention to it). Say, feel and be your affirmations (new programming) deeply whenever it goes off. Stop whatever you are doing thinking or feeling and wear the vibration of the new program you want to adopt.

That’s how simple it is!!!! Doh! Wish more people knew about this amazing tool, including me when I was younger! Could have saved myself a world of suffering!

Identify Your Bad Programs – Develop New Ones – An Ayahuasca Integration Must!

ayahuasca integrationOn a piece of paper, left side, write a list of your negative programming, the bad things you say to yourself or believe about the world, habitual thoughts and feelings, perspectives and points of view, negative opinions about God, yourself or humanity, and whatever else is negative in your mind and emotions. What are you unhappy about?

On the right side write the opposite of those things on the left side. These are you new programs that you want to install. For instance, I am unworthy is now I am worthy. In fact I’m pretty awesome! I am unlovable to – I am lovable, everyone loves me!

Always put your new programming in present moment “I am” and “I have” statements. Don’t put them in the future. If you say “going to” or “trying to” you are never going to have it because it’s always in the future.

Also don’t use words like “never,” “not,” or “don’t” in your new programming. Only use positive, present moment words in your new programming statements.

How The Subconscious Mind Works

Your subconscious will believe anything that is repeated to it. If you keep repeating “I am unworthy” your subconscious will believe that and it manifests. If you keep repeating, “I am worthy, I am good enough, I am lovable” your subconscious will believe that and manifest it. The subconscious mind is just a machine and you can program it however you want to, and then it simply manifests what it’s programmed to do. It doesn’t care what you manifest. So CHOOSE what you want to program yourself to manifest! Ayahuasca integration is really that simple!

Integration after Ayahuasca ceremonies and San Pedro retreats is more about working with the subconscious programming than anything else, if you want to get right down to it. It’s not about the past, and it’s not the future either. What you’re dealing with in the now moment is the garbage programming you got from the past and getting down to the work of changing it. That’s what your real task of healing is right now. RE-programming.

A lot of people get depressed after Ayahuasca retreats because they aren’t willing (or simply aren’t able without the right tools) to do the reprogramming. This is why they cannot hold onto the “high” elevated states of consciousness because that programming comes back with a vengeance to undo the state of happiness if it hasn’t been addressed. “Oh no you don’t! This programming is still here like a mule with its heels in the mud! Got some work to do!”

Old programming comes back with a vengeance because it realizes it is about to be unseated from the driver’s seat if you keep going in the direction you are going with the self-improvements. You were on the right track when you came back from your Ayahuasca retreat, but the new programming hasn’t fully set in yet. That’s the missing link.

That means the old programming, the old self, the old ways are doing a double take and saying, “Wait a minute! This is not what is familiar! Whoa! Hold it! Let’s really check this out!”

In a way, it is a self-protection mechanism to question new ways of thinking and feeling. It’s not actually unfounded. Paradigms are built to fight change or there would always be chaos. This is natural. This is a part of yourself that doesn’t want to change because this way of living is familiar and “safe,” so to speak. Your subconscious mind is going to fight you at first, so just expect it.

There is only one way to handle this fight with the subconscious mind that says, “But look at all the proof in the past that you are not lovable. This is a total lie that you are worthy! Look at all the evidence against this!”

All you do is tell your subconscious mind this: “We are playing a game of pretend for a while, and your input is noted. Thank you. However, let’s play this game for now and then we’ll see if we want to return to the old ways, OK? Deal?” The subconscious mind will reluctantly go silent for a while, then it will actually engage in the game as you continue!

ayahuasca integrationIn about two or three weeks you’ll see that the subconscious mind starts to recite the new programming on its own! Around the third week, with surprise, you’ll think, “Hey! Did I just feel I was worthy all of a sudden without even trying????”

This is how it works with Ayahuasca integration! The subconscious mind will believe and repeat whatever YOU repeat to it. Promise! You just have to be tenacious and keep at it. Don’t doubt. Keep going no matter how much of a fight your subconscious mind puts up at first. You have to simply push through it. Keep your foot OFF the brakes and ON the gas! No matter what.

So if you want a new life, you have to really, really, REALLY, and I mean REALLY get down to the work of earning what the medicine gave you. The medicine gives you a sneak peak at what is possible for you, a break from the programming, but then you have to EARN what you are given with the medicine. You MUST do the work if you don’t want to return to the same-old-same-old before you took the medicine. That’s what Ayahuasca integration is all about.

It feels like faking it at first, but if you do it for at least 60 days your life is guaranteed to change right about that time. You will start believing it in about 2 to 4 weeks and the fighting mind will grow silent as you persist. You have to feel it deeply, not just say it. You are changing a vibrational pattern. This is far more than just an affirmation.

Keep doing those affirmations and subconscious reprogramming. It takes 60 days to break the thinking and feeling habits (just pick a couple at a time or it becomes white noise and too much at once) but anywhere from 6 -12 months is what it takes for those programs not to return at all. You will start seeing changes within a couple weeks to a month when you do this, promise!

If you want to integrate the changes after the retreat is over, and truly attain and earn the elevated states of consciousness the shamanic medicines give you, this is how you do it. This is the core tool that literally EVERY center should be telling people to use after retreat. It is one we tout quite highly while people are here.

It’s even FREE! This is such a no brainer! You have to earn the consciousness after the sneak peek, though. There is no other way around this with the subconscious mind. That repeating alarm is the greatest tool for subconscious reprogramming work!

WARNING: Get ready to lose some situations, friends, and maybe even a job that no longer matches your new vibrations. Don’t hold on to anyone or anything that wants to leave you. You might have not even realized those people or things weren’t healthy for you and maybe you even thought they loved you. If they are leaving, though, they don’t match your new programming. Simply let everything go that wants to go and be open to the new things and people that are coming.

You might find yourself in a no man’s land for a while if you have no new things set up yet. Just be comfortable with that, continue with your re-programming, and it will come. This is inevitable. Don’t worry. If letting go of what no longer works for you leaves you in an empty zone for a while, be at ease and let the new things come slowly and gently. Don’t move too fast.

You might even find yourself wanting to make drastic new changes now, and that’s in order if it comes up. Don’t make drastic changes right after your Ayahuasca retreat. Make sure you go about it in a balanced way, but whatever shows up to change, let it change. Follow it. It’s guidance from within you during our own self created Ayahuasca integration.

Use Every Situation, Person And Experience As Your Teacher

ayahuasca integrationThe other thing to do is use every situation as a teaching situation. Every person who is mean to you, hurts you, challenges you, see them as your teacher and look at what programming comes up around that. Same with bad situations. See them all as gifts. These are the moments you get to practice what you have learned. These are the moments to change how you react to those things.

You cannot change people, or the fact that life is challenging. It’s meant to be challenging or you wouldn’t be here. You would be floating around in spirit la la land if you didn’t want to grow and challenge yourself. So here you are.

Some of you took on some pretty big challenges, but you didn’t take on anything you can’t handle, even if it’s a real doosie. That just means you’re a super professional powerhouse transformer of darkness who came here to do the hard work that other souls literally are not capable of doing.

So, THANK YOU for your work. We are here to acknowledge you, even though others may not see the depth of what you have taken on. Thank you for your contribution to the evolution of this species! Your services are direly needed.

Your healing transforms the entire mass consciousness and makes it easier for people behind you to heal what you are healing. It’s the 100th monkey effect (look that up on Google if you don’t know what that is).

Keep Trying! Ayahuasca Integration Takes Time

If you mess up and don’t pass the first test or the consecutive next tests with flying colors, no worries. You’ll get more chances! Just pick yourself back up and try again next time the challenge comes. Don’t be down on yourself if you aren’t perfecting all these challenges right away. It’s going to take practice, attention, and self-discipline. It takes time. Practice makes perfect. A master has practiced a lot!

This is a school (of hard knocks, life is a ruthless teacher) and you are allowed to make however many mistakes you have to make until you get it right. And who is doing the grading? You are! You know when you are doing it well, badly, or somewhere in the middle. Keep at it until you get the A+! You will know when you have done it well. You don’t get free from the challenges of these programs until you get the A+. Even then, life will come and test you now and then to see if you still qualify for the A+, so just keep meeting your tests! That’s what life is all about.


Hope that helps Angels!

It does take a herculean effort to overcome programming, especially long-standing programming, but you can do it with that repeating alarm trick. Works great! Just try it, OK?

Be gentle and patient with yourself as you go through this. Remember, it’s going to take some time. You’ve been in these programs for a lifetime and even if it takes a few months, you’re moving pretty fast! You are resilient and you can change things if you set you mind to it, so just set your mind to it. You got this! You really do!

ayahuasca retreat