Ecuador Is Safer Than Ever Before!

ecuador is safe You may have heard about a drama in Ecuador that happened on Jan 9, 2024, a few isolated incidents that got hyped up in the new, and now you’re wondering if Ecuador is safe to travel in?

Don’t believe everything you’re hearing! Ecuador is not in a state of chaos or emergency. Declaring a state of emergency was a technicality the government had to do in order to use the military to arrest hundreds and hundreds of gang members in the next couple days. The military and police working together brought order and peace to Ecuador in only one day, Jan 10, 2024! Everything has gone back to normal, business as usual.

Our guests are arriving without any problems, and our retreats are proceeding as normal without interruption. We weren’t anywhere near the trouble anyway!

No one even sees any of the trouble on their way to Gaia Sagrada because first, the trouble has already ended, and second, the route to Gaia Sagrada is far away from where the trouble was in Ecuador anyway (which was the Guayaquil coastal neighborhoods where gangs and prisons are, and certain sections of the Colombia border).

Ecuador Is Normal Again In Just One Day

All Ecuadorian citizens are extremely happy with the actions the government is taking against the drug gangs, most of whom come from other countries.

There have been hundreds of arrests already in just two days and any gang member who hasn’t been arrested is trying to flee the country now. The drug gangs know the gig is over. Finally, Ecuador has had enough and the right guy is the president now who is going to get the job done!

The Ecuador government handled the drug gangs with swiftness and force. Ecuador has finally had enough and is setting it’s foot down.

We love this president, Daniel Noboa! He handled it like a champ and has the guts to do what needs to get done! Now Ecuador will be forever free of the drug gangs and return to its status as one of the safest countries in South America to travel in. 80% of the murders in Ecuador were criminal and gang related. The other 20% is mostly domestic fights between families and spouses.

News Overhypes In Order To Sell Ads – Clickbait Makes Money!

Don’t believe the hype in the news. Their job is to make you click on the dramatic and overblown click bait so they can sell ads. They take small isolated incidents and turn them into something huge in order to get a lot of clicks. Drama makes money!

If they were to tell the truth about what is happening in Ecuador right now, they wouldn’t make much money. You would say, “Oh, everything’s fine,” and you would lose interest and look no further.

We are on the ground here and we are here to tell you that everything Ecuador is at peace, more than ever before. We go to Cuenca every day and one of our drivers goes to Guayaquil every other day. There is nothing out of the ordinary, and there isn’t even military or police everywhere.

The places where the issues are, they’re very small and concentrated, a couple prisons. certain neighborhoods near the port of Guayaquil, and a certain area on the Colombian border. You won’t be anywhere near those on any point of your journey to Gaia Sagrada.

Gaia Sagrada Retreats Going Great – No Problems With Getting Here – Airports Running Smoothly

ecuador is safeOur retreats are having no interruptions and our guests are getting here safely and easily, just like always. Our guests have been arriving through all airports, and they aren’t seeing military or police like the news is depicting because there are only three specific places that the military and police are needed for cleaning up the drug gang situation. Gaia Sagrada isn’t near any of those places, and neither are the routes to get to Gaia Sagrada.

99.9% of Ecuador is totally fine, it’s business as usual, birds are chirping, people are eating and laughing at cafes, and everything is just like it always was, peaceful. Ecuador has never been better! There is no military around or police, not in places like this. These are not the trouble areas. Even the trouble areas are getting cleaned up fast!

Traveling In Ecuador

If you are planning to travel in Ecuador before or after the retreat, you will be fine doing that too. Ecuador is safer than ever in all the places where tourists go. Citizens are in a very celebratory mood too because the government is finally setting its foot down with the drug gangs. You won’t be near any of the gang neighborhoods or prisons anyway. There is nothing to see in those places so tourists aren’t attracted there. The border of Colombia, most of that is safe too. Just the places where the gangs were was the issue.

Don’t miss out on Ecuador! If you were thinking of coming to Ecuador, this is the best time ever to come! You will have no trouble traveling anywhere you want to go.

Just resist the urge to be a drug dealer in Guayaquil or join a gang and you should be fine!