What Gaia Sagrada Is and Is Not

We Don’t Do Westernized Clinical Psychology

There is a lot of talk about infusing Western psychology into shamanic ceremonies these days. Many people from Western societies are starting to think shamanic ceremonies and retreats are supposed to have psychologists and clinicians involved. More than ever before, we need to address this issue and explain what Gaia Sagrada is and what Gaia Sagrada is not. Let’s get right to the point.

If you are looking for authentic, South American, traditional ceremonies the way they were done 1000 years ago, and ready to meet the master within you, Gaia Sagrada is your go-to place!

If you are looking for a clinical setting, Westernized medicine, or psychologists, we don’t offer that.

be happy

What Gaia Sagrada IS

Gaia Sagrada is a place where you can experience the authentic, traditional, shamanic ceremonies of real Ecuadorian shamans who will give you the experience of their traditions much as it was done 1000 years ago. You can buy these medicines on Ebay, the dark net, or maybe even Amazon, and do them in your living room without the traditions. It is fine if people want to do that. For some that is ok, but for others it’s not. Many terrible experiences happen that way, or bogus medicine is had, but if you are looking to experience the actual ancient traditions of REAL shamans in South America, with REAL and strong medicine, this is why you would go to a place like Gaia Sagrada.

These ceremonies are close to the Earth, they are done by shamans raised in these traditions, and this is a different kind of wisdom and culture that the normal Western society person has not been exposed to.

This is Earth wisdom, gratitude wisdom, and wisdom from within the soul. This is an opportunity to step into history and walk the path of deep knowing that goes beyond psychology, connecting to the wisdom of the Godself within. This is where the medicine takes you. Westernized ways of doing things are not that close to the Earth and has caused humanity to lose its connection to these more Earthy ways of doing things. This is why so many people are attracted to these ancient traditions, even if they don’t know it consciously.

  • This medicine is for people who are ready to become masters of their lives, people who don’t look outside themselves for the answers.
  • These medicines put people in touch with the master within.
  • This is for people who are ready to take responsibility for their healing and make it a priority.
  • This is for people who don’t need to have their hand held anymore. They are ready to stand in their power.
  • This is for people who are ready to do the inner work it takes to create a beautiful life, without blaming anyone else for what they have or don’t have, or even for what they have been through.
  • This is for people who are truly ready to let go of the past and embrace the future they have the power to create.
  • This is for people who are ready to no longer be a victim and ready to be creators of their realities.
  • This is for people ready to be world changers, even if only on a local scale or in their own families and social circles.
  • This is for people who are ready to heal their shadows.
  • This is for people who are ready to interrupt and replace flawed programming.
  • This is for people who are ready to take charge of their lives, if they haven’t already.

If you are NOT aligned with these concepts, you might find medicine work is overwhelming. Maybe a clinical setting with a psychologist would be better for you if you are not ready to live by these concepts. They exist, so please do look for a clinical setting if that is what you think you need. We have no judgement about that, but please understand that is not what Gaia Sagrada does.

If you ARE aligned with these concepts, take advantage of this opportunity Gaia Sagrada presents. These traditions are fast disappearing, practiced by less and less true shamans.

While we respect that development for those who need medicine work to be in a Western psychology container, the reality is that real shamanism has a deeper reach than Western methods ever will. These ceremonies reach deep into the soul and bring through a deep understanding of life, the nature of reality, and how consciousness works.

Real shamanism will become hard to find very soon. There are not a lot of young people growing up in these ancient cultures who want to learn the shamanic ways. They would rather move to the cities, make a lot of money, have cell phones, and pursue materialism. So get it while you can if you ever wanted to experience an authentic shamanic ceremony!

What Gaia Sagrada Is NOT – A Clinical Setting

Gaia Sagrada is NOT a place for westernized clinical psychology. Anyone looking for that needs to go to a doctor or psychologist to experience medicine if that is what they are looking for. The United States in particular is turning plant medicine experiences into clinical experiences, and that is ok if that is what you’re looking for.

Shamans are not psychologists and these traditions are not meant to cater to a person who is not ready to do the inner work, face what they need to change, find their own answers, or make peace with themselves, the world, and their past.

We do not offer a clinical setting for plant medicines. What some people don’t understand is that this is not necessarily for beginners who have never taken a moment to look within and heal themselves. Many of these dear souls are ones who have just heard some famous person talking about it, put it on their bucket list, and think this is the fast track to healing and that a plant medicine or shaman will “fix” them, they don’t have to do the inner work, and everything will suddenly be ok. When this doesn’t happen, they find themselves being very angry with the center, the shamans, the medicine or the people who were doing their best to help them in ceremonies.

This is not textbook psychology that some people have come to expect from plant medicine ceremonies. Many recent articles have been written to cause this expectation, and some centers have even tried to comply with this change in order to be more competitive in the market to the people with money from high class Westernized society. This is not the true experience of this ancient spiritual path of exploring consciousness.

Again, we respect people’s desire for a clinical Western psychology setting for these medicines, but we must be up front with you that Gaia Sagrada does not offer that kind of setting.

We have a page where you can truly assess whether or not you are ready to take shamanic medicines in a setting such as Gaia Sagrada. Are You Truly Ready For An Ayahuasca Retreat? Please take a look at this page and look at the list of questions to ask yourself if this is really the right path for you.