Ayahuasca for Spiritual Development: A Powerful Medicine for the Soul

By Lisa

I followed my heart and decided to travel to Ecuador in order to experience plant medicines at Gaia Sagrada. My purpose for seeking ayahuasca was to let go of the past, to start a new chapter of my life, and to further develop myself spiritually.

Gaia Sagrada is a beautiful sanctuary with so much to offer. It has been an incredible place to experience the plant medicines of ayahuasca and San Pedro.

The intentions I set before sitting in the ceremonies was to develop more self-love, and to further my spiritual gifts. This intention was to also clear any ancestral karma and help my ancestral lineage.

My experience with Ayahuasca

My first ayahuasca ceremony was with Titi and was very intense, but also very healing. I took only one cup the entire night as I felt I got everything I needed from it.

As we were doing the tobacco prayer before drinking the medicine, I called my spirit guides to be there with me. When the medicine took effect, I felt some of my ancestors in the ceremony space protecting me.

After taking ayahuasca, within fifteen minutes I felt dizzy. My whole body was tingling for about 12 hours, and I had trouble walking. I experienced the spirit of Ayahuasca asking me to surrender and let her do what she needed to do, that she was there to guide me. It was difficult, but I felt safe.

For most of the ceremony, I was laying down while the medicine cleaned me. During this time, I did some meditation and breathing exercises which helped me feel more at peace. After that, I knew the medicine was working to help me release whatever was needed to clear my body, mind, and spirit.

My experience with the ceremony

The ceremony was beautiful overall. I enjoyed hearing the ladies sing together in harmony and feeling the music in my body. It was a joyful experience to say the least.

The sacred fire is the center piece which the shamans refer to as grandfather fire. They perceive him to be a spirit that provides wisdom and transmutes all the energy that people purge. I felt a connection with the sacred fire too. Grandfather fire kept giving me messages the whole time I was there, which manifested as insights and downloads.

The tobacco prayers helped, and speaking authentically from the heart was good for me. The prayers helped me understand that the medicine was there to guide me and give me the tools I needed to be more at peace.

During the ceremony, I really tried to sleep but the medicine kept me awake. I felt the medicine until next day. Once I showered and ate breakfast, I could feel it slowly dissolving out of my body. I did feel rejuvenated after it wore off, and immediately got my moon cycle a few hours later in sync with the full moon.

It was a positive experience, and I would do it again. This medicine has powers and I believe it heals the subconscious and gives insights to help us heal.

My thoughts on plant medicines

More and more people are returning to nature and using plant medicine to heal. Holistic medicine and plant medicine is the future of medicine in general. The reason why is because a growing number of people are experiencing deep levels of healing from the medicine, while conventional medicine often doesn’t work.

I loved Gaia Sagrada. Great times, great experiences, great staff, delicious food and overall, a deeply life changing experience. It was a lovely time there, and I feel blessed to have met so many wonderful people.