Join Gaia Sagrada For A Docuseries About Ayahuasca!

This is Gaia Sagrada’s debut into the film and documentary world! You are invited to be part of it if you would like from Feb 25 to March 3, 2023. During this retreat, guests will be part of something exciting!

A team of award winning talented film makers will be recording a docuseries at a 7 day retreat at Gaia Sagrada, from Feb 25 – Mar 3, 2023. Guests will be extras in the film if they want to be in this retreat, mostly in the background, part of the group in the ceremony, at the dining patio, moseying around the property, in the workshops and meetings, so you won’t have to perform. Just be yourself!

There are 4 main characters whose journey will be followed through the retreat even though 20 guests will be here. Of these 20 guests, 4 will be the focus. These 4 will tell their story. You, as one of the background characters, will be contributing to something important, helping the world to know about an ancient (but newly discovered by modern society) way of healing that is becoming popular among young and old alike that works in ways very few understand. Here are some details:

  • 4 part docuseries by German production company
  • Made by people who experienced healing through Ayahuasca and now want to share the potential of plant medicine with the world
  • The main characters will be interviewed throughout the retreat
  • The main characters will be filmed throughout the ceremonies
  • The background characters will be filmed as well, be part of someting beautiful!
San Pedro Cactus Flower

San Pedro Cactus Flower

This will have a mixture of the organic experience of being in an Ayahuasca and San Pedro retreat, as well as a scientific aspect to it as well. There will be an Ayahuasca Ceremony, San Pedro Ceremony and Sweat lodge Ceremony. During each of these ceremonies, the main characters will be focused on, and certain brain measurements of one of the characters will be done, discreetly of course. You’re not going to notice anything, but afterwards some very telling scientific information will be known about what happens to the brain and physical body while a ceremony takes place.

A scientist is going to be measuring with EEG what happens during a ceremony and taking of the medicine for one of the characters, to truly see what happens on the physical level as a person experiences the journey within.

Welcome to this special and one time event at Gaia Sagrada. This is your chance to be part of an groundbreaking 4 part Ayahuasca docuseries at an Ayahuasca retreat, done in a way no other docuseries has ever been done before. Join us if you want to!

If not, please sign up for ANY of our other retreats that are not the Feb 25 – Mar 3 dates, and you will be absolutely assured there will be no filming taking place in any of those other retreats.  It is only happening in this ONE retreat, Feb 25 – Mar 3, a 7 day retreat.

If you would like to sign up for the retreat itself and just be an extra in either the 12 day retreat or 7 day retreat, here’s the link! Just scroll down to the date and length you want.